A week after my first try, the satellite tracker expects an excellent flyby, following the border between Germany and The Netherlands. Shortly after sundown I go back to the lake, this time it is cloudy and there is light rain, so I set up inside a little hut on a children playground right next to last weeks location. Again I wait patiently pointing my antenna to the sky for the signal to appear. I cannot find the signal at first, there is an interference overlapping with the exact same frequency as the LES-1. As the satellites path reaches its peak, the signal softly appears on the waterfall, I adjust the filter and there it is, my first successful catch of a ghost satellite. As a result of the satellites peculiar motion the signal slowly fades in and out in a four-second cycle. As the LES-1 passes by, its signal slowly dies away and simultaneously pitches down due to the Doppler shift, therefore I have to constantly adjust the filter of the software defined radio.